Real-time collaboration:  Engagement. Alignment. Decisions. Results.

AlignedSolutions provides a real-time collaboration and engagement framework that allows teams to deliver workshops and sessions to increase participation, gain more transparency, drive alignment and buy-in, and identify key actions for execution, regardless of process complexity or participant location.

Individual session design/delivery process flow:


Session Design


▶ Work with key client stakeholders to determine overall session objectives and key deliverables


▶ Design the interactive session on the platform, conducting dry-runs and edits as needed



Session Delivery


▶ Real-time session delivery — conducted virtually, in-person, or combination depending on client needs/session design


▶ Virtual facilitation to increase engagement and alignment


Session Reporting


▶ Post-session ‘one-touch’ reporting is provided, capturing all client stakeholder responses, comments, voting results, etc.


▶ Reporting is available in both word and excel formats


Examples of individual workshops designed and delivered:

▶ Culture Assessment Focus Groups

▶ Risk Assessment

▶ Risk Identification

▶ Enterprise Risk Management

▶ Readiness Assessment

▶ Requirements Gathering

▶ Customer Journey

▶ Lesson Learned

▶ Organizational Alignment

▶ Strategic Initiative Generation

▶ Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

▶ Employee Engagement

▶ Customer Segmentation Strategy

▶ Product / Service Ideation

▶ People & Leadership Assessment

▶ Business Case Development

▶ Cultural Initiative

▶ As-Is Workshop

▶ To-Be Workshop

▶ Gap Analysis

▶ Maturity Assessment

▶ Change Readiness Assessment

▶ Change Impact Assessment

▶ Prioritization

▶ Opportunity Analysis

▶ And Many More